Gender equity and empowerment is a non-negotiable goal, and an integral intent in its own right. Aside from this, Project Drawdown calculates that investing in the health, wellbeing and education of women and girls, and allowing women to make their own choices about their own education and bodies, can lead to a saving or sequestering of over 85 gigatons of CO2 equivalent.

Through supply chain partnerships and through charitable giving, Lush connects with a number of fantastic organisations around the world who work to uplift, support and empower women and girls, especially in the majority world.

For example, Lush has worked with Re-Wrap since 2007, an organisation based in Mysore, India. Janjri Trivedi founded Re-Wrap “as a way to not only help artisans retain their skills but also equip economically disadvantaged women with sewing skills, enabling them to earn a fair wage. In this way we at Re-Wrap are able to pursue the main goal of our business – empowering our members to lead more fulfilling lives with independence and dignity.”

Explore the stories behind five of our projects, and the women of the Global South behind them…

About Lush…

We feel that our ingredients should be bought in a respectful way safeguarding the environment and the social impact. Lush supports Fair Trade and Community Trade initiatives. We find out what impact our buying has on the people and environment and make responsible decisions regarding from where, from whom and how we purchase ingredients and packaging for Lush.

We believe that the way we source materials has an ability to Protect, Regenerate and Restore our planet and communities. Beyond long-term targets and goals, these times call for a much more fundamental commitment from us all. In Buying, we have a commitment to life, in support of diversity and growth of life on our living planet, of rewilding life with humans at the heart of this transformation. Our vision is for a supply network where the regeneration of life is at the core of sourcing decisions. We want to give back more than we take and leave the world a lusher place than we found it.

Find out more about how Lush sources its own ingredients here!

Take a look at the Lush Buying Map here!